Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets And after that, the idea of establishing the Bunyan Academy platform was launched For distance studies of Islam and Arabic, because of the great importance of technology in Our present era.
Renewable life skills, technological and scientific development have become So quickly that we find ourselves in constant need to learn new skills and sciences. There is no more famous or clearer example than the computer and its rapid developments.
Generations need to learn useful new, and what is the development in science? Administrative and the impact of globalization on its concepts is absent from decision-makers.
Education and training are among the most important means of increasing influence in societies and motivating them The learner and help him develop himself inside and outside the study chair from Our priority.
That is why we were keen to offer something special in the world of education and training Something of it in the folds of the site..
A leading education and training platform for life skills, Islamic and Arabic sciences.
Provide high quality, modern and advanced educational and training services and products, with deep-rooted values and principles, through which we achieve the aspirations of our students, according to scientific foundations, with international standards.
There is a long established fact that the readable content of a page The reader will be distracted from focusing on the external form of the text or the shape of its placement paragraphs on the page he is reading. Therefore, the Lorem method is used Epsom because it gives a normal distribution - to some extent - to the letters instead of Using “Here there is text content, here there is text content” makes it look like (ie, the characters) as if they were readable text. Many Desktop Publishing Software Web page editing software uses Lorem Ipsum by default as a template About the text, and if you enter "lorem ipsum" in any search engine it will appear Many sites are new to the search results. over the years New and different versions of the Lorem Ipsum text appeared, sometimes by Coincidence, and sometimes intentionally, such as inserting some humorous phrases into it.
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